>> Monday, June 23, 2008

Last few days, sedang aku sibuk ke sana ke mari, tiba-tiba seketeri my boss datang bertanya.

"Rin, awk bawak kete Iswara putih kan?"

Memang la.
That's the only car that I have for the past few years.

Then dia cakap, "Laa penatnya saya cari. Awak rupanya!"

Of course la aku saspen kan. Mana tau kot aku penah langgar kete sesapa, kan.

Tapi sebenarnya takde apa pun.

Someone has been sending her messages asking her to help him find the girl with brown hair, driving white Iswara working in this building. He said that his boss, a project mngr, wants to berkenalan.


Are there such thing as love at first sight these days?
And at my age?

haha. very funny.

Ok, lets say u saw someone u like, walk passed by.
Then, adakah rasa mau nyuruh your anak buah cari-cari siapa pompuan tu, when he himself didn't even know who she is, and what's her name?

And the only thing that he knows is the color of her hair, and the car she drove.

Kelakar, 'kan.

Macam jiran depan rumah yang nyelit nota mau berkenalan kat wiper kereta dulu.



*huih beraninya aku nulis cerita-cerita begini kat blog. bukankah di sini untuk yang manis-manis saja?


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